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Annual Hawaiian Ride for Youth

21 Feb 2024 Webinar


The annual Hawaiian Ride for Youth is Australia’s premier charity cycling event, entering its 22nd year in 2024 having commenced with just 24 community-spirited riders back in 2003.

The iconic Western Australian community event takes place across five days in March each year, with three pelotons cycling about 700km from Albany (the State’s southern-most point) to the capital of Perth stopping at 15 schools along the journey. And while the event may have grown, the goal remains the same: uniting the community to support youth mental health.

About 160 riders are gearingup for the gruelling event in about six weeks’ time and there are more first-time riders involved than ever before, with 49 new cyclists taking on the challenge to make a difference.

During its 22-year history, the Hawaiian Ride for Youth has raised nearly $32 million for youth mental health. This vital funding has enabled Youth Focus to provide mental health services to thousands of young people across Western Australia each year, including counselling, education, work and study pathways, and support for communities impacted by crises.

Tragically, suicide remains the leading cause of death among young people aged between 15 and 24 in Australia. However, research has shown that access to mental health services can be a key factor in preventing youth suicide. It’s this need for local services that motivates the riders to keep going, kilometre after kilometre.

Western Australia Minister for Youth, Hon. Simone McGurk, said events like the Hawaiian Ride for Youth help to encourage and foster positive and proactive conversations about youth mental health in the community, while raising vital funds and awareness for the work of Youth Focus.

This event is more than just a fundraising event. As well as raising millions of vital dollars each year for Youth Focus and the thousands of young Western Australians they support, it is a community of passionate, like-minded people who come together to raise money, awareness and opportunities for open, honest conversations about mental health.

The Purpose of the Hawaiian Ride for Youth is to raise funds and awareness for Youth Focus and youth mental health, and the Vision is to cultivate a community that’s fun, safe and promotes better mental health among young West Australians.

These align with the personal values and drivers of Citadel-MAGNUS’ Senior Director in Perth, Russell Quinn, who is on the Coastal peloton this year – his second ride and his first as Captain of Team Hawaiian. He also sits on the Organising Committee, a volunteer group dedicated to bringing the event to life each year.

As part of the Morrow Sodali family, our organisation is right behind Russell and we’re super proud of what’s he’s achieved so far. His team is hosting a fundraising event on Tuesday 12 March to help raise funds with each rider committing to raise $5,000 in addition to a $1,600 application fee.

If you’d like to attend the event and hear from some inspiring leaders from the world of sport and business, click here: Event- Hawaiian Ride For Youth.

If you’re unable to be in Perth, please consider supporting Russell and his team with a donation, which is tax deductible and benefits an incredibly important cause.

Link: Donate- Hawaiian Ride For Youth



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