2022 Lighthouse European Edition

2022 Lighthouse European Edition

12 October 2022

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Morrow Sodali is pleased to share the latest edition of Lighthouse Europe, complementing our other publications from North America and APAC.

This edition contains an in-depth analysis of the proxy seasons in the European markets where Morrow Sodali operates (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the UK). Among the key findings from the 2022 European AGM season review, we identify key trends and common themes emerging from shareholder meetings across the markets, focusing on those issues likely to have an impact on companies in the year ahead.

Also in this edition, we feature several articles offering insights on cross-market European board matters, such as Say on Climate, gender diversity on boards, ESG in the boardroom, shareholder engagement and executive remuneration. In addition, the report includes interviews with three institutional investors BNP Paribas AM, UBS and Legal & General IM, showcasing their impressions of the 2022 proxy season and the ESG momentum that is building across the globe, including trends and opinions on Say on Climate resolutions, as well as their views on gender balance, and their forecast for the upcoming proxy season. 

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