ESG NEWS AND VIEWS PODCAST SERIES: Director-Shareholder Engagement

ESG NEWS AND VIEWS PODCAST SERIES: Director-Shareholder Engagement

28 March 2022

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Practical Strategic Advice for Constructive Conversations

Traditionally, corporate board members played a limited – and only occasional – role in discussions with investors. But now investors expect to hear from independent directors on the board’s oversight of ESG issues. And companies are recognizing that involving their directors in discussions with investors can have significant near-term and long-term benefits.

In this podcast, Paul Washington, Executive Director of the ESG Center, speaks with Bill Ultan, Managing Director at Morrow Sodali, to discuss what’s happening, why, the do’s and don’ts of effective engagement, and how both directors and investors can make their engagements as constructive as possible. As more companies involve their directors in shareholder engagement, they should do so with a clear purpose in mind and ample preparation beforehand.

Click here to listen to the podcast on the Conference Board Website. 

Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts.

Click here to listen on Spotify.



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