Insights from Italy's 2023 Proxy Season: Key Takeaways on Quorum and Say on Pay

Insights from Italy's 2023 Proxy Season: Key Takeaways on Quorum and Say on Pay

09 February 2024

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As the 2024 proxy season in Italy approaches, Cesare Schiavon, Corporate Governance Manager, and Genevieve Della Valle, Project Manager at Morrow Sodali, take a moment to reflect on the insights gleaned and lessons learned from the 2023 season. In this short video, they discuss the findings of the Morrow Sodali 2023 Proxy Season Review of Italy and delve into topics such as shareholder participation, say on pay, and reveal that remuneration resolutions were the most contested [in Italian with English subtitles].

Click here to download the Morrow Sodali 2023 Italian Proxy Season Review to learn more.

For a comprehensive overview of the 2023 Proxy Season in nine key European markets, download Lighthouse Europe.

See Cesare and Genevieve's discussion on Remuneration and ESG Criteria here.



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