
Sodali-Jeurus Survey - Corporate Governance of Japanese Companies

05 February 2013

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Dear Investor,

we kindly request your participation in our brief survey of the “Corporate Governance of Japanese Companies.” There are nine questions and the estimated time for completion of the survey is less than 15 minutes.

The purpose of this survey is to elicit the views of institutional investors about the perceived discord between the management and business traditions of Japanese companies and their corporate governance. As you know, Japanese companies are often admired for their consensus management, product quality and customer satisfaction, while just as often questions are raised with respect to their corporate governance, board accountability and shareholder rights. Your responses to this survey will be helpful in finding ways to deal with this important issue.


The survey can be accessed via:


Dear Investor, we kindly request your participation in our brief survey of the  “Corporate Governance of Japanese Companies.”  


Sodali & Co



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