
The Board-Centric Annual Meeting

10 November 2015

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For 30 years shareholders have called the shots at annual meetings. Now it is time for boards to take charge.

Sodali’s annual Client Memo for 2016, entitled “The Board-Centric Annual Meeting,” explains how companies can respond to global trends that are reshaping the fiduciary duty of corporate boards, the fundamentals of corporate reporting and the conduct of AGMs.  By embracing the emerging principles of board-centric governance, companies can reduce their vulnerability to shareholder activism, improve relations with institutional investors and bring the focus of AGMs back onto business issues rather than compliance with governance check lists.  

To read the 2016 Client Memorandum, download the attachment.

Client Memo has been posted on the January issue of the Wall Street Lawyer, on Harvard Law School Forum, on The Corporate Board May/ June 2016 issue



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