「資本コストを意識した経営」の実効性向上に向けたアプローチ / What Makes “Cost-of-Capital-Conscious Management” Effective?

「資本コストを意識した経営」の実効性向上に向けたアプローチ / What Makes “Cost-of-Capital-Conscious Management” Effective?

06 July 2023

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  1. 株式市場価値に関する調査・分析:市場との対話を通じた価値創造プロセスにおいて、企業に対する市場の評価を的確に把握することは極めて重要な要素です。株価分析、開示資料レビュー、機関投資家パーセプション調査などを通じ、第三者の立場から株式市場の率直な評価を客観的に調査・分析し、企業価値向上に向けた課題を抽出します。
  2. 資本コストを意識したバランスシート・マネジメントに関する支援:東証が要請する資本コストを意識した経営の実現に向け、バランスシート上の資産の「あるべき姿」の構築、負債・資本ミックスの最適化、最適資本構成を実現する資本政策の策定を支援します。モロー・ソダリの提案は短視眼的な株主還元の拡充を推奨するものではありません。企業の理念、文化、ビジョン、戦略を体現する御社固有の価値創造ストーリーに基づき、資本コストを上回る資本効率性と持続可能な成長のトレードオンを目指す取り組みを支援します。
  3. ガバナンスとサステナビリティに関する改善支援:ESGリスク・プロファイルの改善は市場価値評価における重要なテーマの一つです。サステナビリティおよびガバナンスに関する包括的なレビュー、ESG格付に関する分析と助言などを通じて機関投資家の期待に応えるESGの実践と開示を支援します。また、ガバナンスやサステナビリティに関するグローバルな潮流や資本コストを意識した経営に関する機関投資家の期待など、ご関心のあるテーマについて弊社の専門家が経営陣や取締役会に分かり易くご説明します。
  4. 実効的な情報開示に向けた戦略的助言と機関投資家エンゲージメント支援:統合された財務・非財務情報の開示は、持続的成長と中長期的な企業価値向上に向けた市場との対話の基盤です。企業に固有の価値創造ストーリーを市場に浸透させるべく、戦略的な情報開示について助言します。また、普段は接することのないグローバル機関投資家のESGアナリストやスチュワードシップ担当者、ESG格付機関、議決権行使助言会社へのエンゲージメント活動を支援します。さらに、既にアクティビストが介在する企業の皆様に対して、世界的に高い評価を獲得する専門家によるグローバル・スタンダードのアクティビスト対応を提供します。


古木 謙太郎

The Tokyo Stock Exchange's (TSE) request in March of this year for companies listed on the Prime and Standard markets to take measures to make management conscious of the cost of capital and share prices highlights the TSE’s deep concern with poor growth within the Japanese equity market and its commitment to tackle this challenge. The request itself is nothing special and its basic concept has already been clearly stated in the Corporate Governance Code. Principle 5-2 of the Code requires listed companies to have: (i) a good understanding of their cost of capital; (ii) disclose their business plans and capital management principles; (iii) present profitability and capital efficiency targets; and (iv) provide an easy-to-understand explanation on capital allocation to achieve their targets. In other words, the TSE has long demanded cost-of-capital-conscious management as a practice of good corporate governance. Unfortunately, however, there are still many companies in the Japanese market with Price-to-Book (P/B) ratios below 1x, indicating that cost-of-capital-conscious management is insufficiently practiced.

What Does P/B Ratio Below 1x Really Mean?
Symbolically used in the context of cost-of-capital-conscious management, P/B ratio is a useful indicator that provides an easy-to-understand stock market assessment of a company. Simply put, a P/B ratio below 1x indicates that the market views a company's capital efficiency and growth potential below investors’ expectations (cost of capital). Put another way, a P/B ratio below 1x means that the company's non-financial value is negative. Thus, the market considers the company to be “destroying” value rather than “creating” it.

This situation is not unrelated to the recent increase in shareholder activism in Japan. In fact, the number of companies targeted by shareholder activists worldwide has been trending slightly downwards in recent years. On the other hand, activists in Japan have continued to increase rapidly and Japan is now the second largest activist market in the world after the US. Shareholder activists rationally and actively intervene in companies where they consider the share price is low and there is much room for improvement. Shareholder proposals by activists are also on the rise: the number of shareholder proposals in 2023 was already at a record high at the end of June. There has been a significant increase in proposals calling for greater shareholder returns. This trends clearly indicates that the activists are trying to force Japanese companies to become more cost-of-capital-conscious. There has also been an increase in shareholder proposals on executive remuneration, a move that can be seen as a call for share-price-conscious management through the introduction of more equity-based incentives (i.e. building up “skin in the game”). Ironically, the TSE's request enhances expectations amongst activists and other market participants for corporates to change, while at the same time giving a certain legitimacy to sophisticated activist proposals. As a result, activists are expected to become even more prevalent going forward. It should be noted, however, that activist intervention is not limited to companies with P/B ratio below 1x, activists will also actively intervene in companies with P/B ratio above 1x, if they see room for improvement.
How Companies Should Meet Expectations from the TSE and the Market
So, how should listed companies meet the expectations of the TSE and the market? Taking into account the view of responsible institutional investors , the TSE requires companies to continuously analyse their current situation, formulate and disclose plans and implement initiatives to make management conscious of the cost of capital and share price.

“Analyse their current situation” means that, at a board level, companies must accurately grasp their cost of capital and capital efficiency and analyse these figures in conjunction with the market's assessment of the company. Calculating the company's cost of capital is not the main purpose, in our view. More importantly, the companies need to understand the rationale of market's assessment of their capital efficiency and cost of capital.

“Formulate and disclose plans” requires the board of directors to discuss and formulate policies, targets and timeframes for addressing the issues identified by the analysis, and to disclose them to the market in an easy-to-understand manner. Responsible institutional investors expect a trade-on between capital efficiency above the cost of capital and sustainable growth. Companies must break away from the simple dichotomy of “shareholder return or investment for future growth” and present a highly transparent roadmap for medium- to long-term corporate value enhancement. “Transparency” is an important keyword here. If a transparent plan successfully appeals to investors about the high probability of achieving the goals, they will gradually factor this scenario into their investment decisions. Fostering healthy market expectations is the first step towards share price-conscious management.

“Implement initiatives” is the stage where companies steadily execute the plans, while at the same time actively engaging with the market. The TSE expects companies to deepen dialogue with global institutional investors. Proactive dialogue with responsible institutional investors will provide an opportunity to welcome supporters as shareholders who respect the company's values and business strategy and provide useful insights. Transparent planning mentioned earlier is an important element in making dialogue effective. Companies can further enhance the quality of cost-of-capital-conscious management, if they can successfully incorporate the insights provided by the well-informed responsible institutional investors.

The importance of management and board commitment in the above cycle cannot be over-emphasised. It is the responsibility of the management team and board of directors to realise cost-of-capital-conscious management. Their commitment to embed cost-of-capital-conscious management with every detail of the strategy is essential for gaining trust from the market.

Morrow Sodali's Value Creation Strategy Consulting
Morrow Sodali supports Japanese companies seeking to build mutually beneficial relationships with the market and enhance their corporate value through cost-of-capital-conscious management. All of our advice is tailor-made. We flexibly structure and provide the most appropriate solution that matches the unique circumstances and requirements of each company. For example, we can offer the following supports.
  1. Research and Analysis on Equity Market Value: A good understanding of the market's assessment of a company is a critically important element for the value creation process through dialogue with the market. Morrow Sodali analyses the stock market's honest views on the company from a third-party standpoint through share price analysis, disclosure material reviews and institutional investor perception surveys, allowing the company to identify issues that need be addressed to improve corporate value.
  2. Support for Cost-of-Capital-Conscious Balance Sheet Management: Morrow Sodali supports the company to build the ideal asset structure on the balance sheet, optimize the debt/capital mix, and formulating capital management policies to make capital structures optimal, which will enable the company to embody the cost-of-capital-conscious management required by the TSE. Morrow Sodali’s approach does not recommend short-sighted shareholder returns. Rather, based on the company's unique value creation story which represents the company's philosophy, culture, vision and strategy, Morrow Sodali supports the company’s initiatives that aim to trade on the capital efficiency above the cost of capital and sustainable growth.
  3. Assistance for Improved Governance and Sustainability: Improvement of ESG risk profiles is one of the key themes in enhanced corporate value assessment by the market. Morrow Sodali assists in developing ESG practices and disclosures that adequately meet institutional investors' expectations through a wide range of services including comprehensive sustainability and governance reviews and ESG ratings analysis and advice. Our experts also provide management and boards with deep insights on topics of interest, such as global trends in governance and sustainability and institutional investors' expectations regarding the cost-of-capital-conscious management.
  4. Strategic Advice on Effective Disclosure and Support for Institutional Investor Engagement: Integrated financial and non-financial disclosure is the foundation for effective dialogue with the market aiming for sustainable growth and medium- to long-term corporate value enhancement. Morrow Sodali advises on strategic disclosure to ensure that the market is well informed about the company's unique value creation story. We also support engagement activities with ESG analysts and stewardship officers of global institutional investors, ESG rating agencies and proxy advisors with whom the company does not have regular contact. Furthermore, for companies that are already confronted with shareholder activists, we provide a global standard activist response support by our experts who have earned a world-wide reputation.

For more information or questions about how Morrow Sodali, please feel free to contact us.

Kentaro Kogi
Value Creation Strategy Consulting


How Companies Should Meet Expectations from the TSE and the Market


Sodali & Co



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