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Effective dialogue between Investor and Boards

03 Oct 2022 to 03 Oct 2022 Conference

IBGC Headquarters: Av. of the United Nations, 12,551 - 21st floor - São Paulo & ONLINE

Good governance requires the board's ability to capture the expectations of the company's stakeholders to better address environmental and social issues, in addition to financial and economic ones, but doubts remain about when and how to promote effective dialogue and engagement between directors and external agents. What behavior's should be induced? What are the best practices outside of traditional investor relations channels and shareholders' meetings?

At this forum sponsored by Morrow Sodali, the debate will focus on the higher demand for investor engagement by companies and for active listening by the boards of directors to shareholders and other interested parties.

This event is part of the World Investor Week (WIW) 2022 program, a global campaign for the protection and education of investors, as well as financial education, promoted by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and coordinated by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).

Please join Agnés Blanco Querido, Senior Director at Morrow Sodali Brazil, and Hugo Bethlem, Chairman of the board of directors of Instituto Capitalismo Consciente Brasil, for discussions and reflections with the IBGC on the topic of promoting dialogue between boards and investors. The debate will be moderated by Lucila Prazeres da Silva, General Counsel at Constellation Asset Management.

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