How good governance can drive innovation
30 Nov 2022 Webinar
Webinar (GMT)
Do a company’s governance arrangements encourage or deter innovation? Join the Institute of Directors (IoD) and the IoD Centre for Corporate Governance (CFCG) on 30 November 2022 at 3.00 pm (GMT) to hear and discuss the findings of a major inquiry into governance and innovation. The Centre published a Call for Evidence earlier this year to enable company directors, executives and other interested parties to share their experiences. The inquiry tests the hypothesis that good governance and an effective board of directors can be key drivers of an innovative organizational culture and an active driver of sustainable value creation.
Stilpon Nestor, Senior Advisor at Morrow Sodali, will join a panel of high-caliber speakers for this interesting discussion. Chris Hodge, Special Advisor at Nestor Advisors - A Morrow Sodali Company, and Senior Advisor at the IoD Centre for Corporate Governance, will present the findings of the inquiry.
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