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22 Jun 2023 to 22 Jun 2023 Conference

ESG issues increasingly feature in European activist campaigns, often alongside themes such as governance matters, potential M&A transactions and other efforts to increase shareholder returns.

Jana Jevcakova, Head of ESG International at Morrow Sodali will hold the panel “Fire-side chat: ESG oversight and activism prevention” at the IR Magazine Think Tank-Europe event, that will take place in London on Thursday, June 22. This session will explore the steps IR teams can take to enhance ESG oversight, prepare for the next AGM and prevent ESG-related activism.

  • Understand the trends as it relates to investor stewardship and ESG activism
  • Learn how to apply ESG best practices and optimize governance
  • Hear how IR should communicate to the board about ESG and climate targets.

The panel will be moderated by the IR Magazine reporter Hemma Visavadia

For more information including how to register, click here.



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