MUST SEE WEBINAR FOR ASX-LISTED COMPANIES: Valuable guidance for companies and Boards looking to engage with their investors
22 Apr 2020 Webinar
As companies adapt to a ‘new normal’ way of operating, it’s more important than ever to understand how investors are thinking and to be actively and constructively engaging with them and other stakeholders. At this critical time, institutional investors are particularly focused on seeing robust ESG risk management. Whilst these investors expect that ESG risks and opportunities are addressed as a matter of standard business practice and long-term financial performance, response to COVID-19 undoubtedly has material near-term implications that need to be taken into consideration by companies and their Boards.
Join us on Wednesday, 22 April 2020 at 10.00am for an interactive webinar where you will hear from industry experts Pru Bennett, Talieh Williams and Jana Jevcakova. Our expert panel will discuss insights we’ve gathered from large institutional investors and what key issues will be on the radar of investors and proxy advisors in the foreseeable future. The panel will highlight:
View points from industry leaders on corporate governance disclosures and the need to double down on ESG initiatives
Best practise of engagement with institutional investors and their expectations
Capital raises during a crisis
Changes being made to executive compensation
Director capacity and the risks from overboarding
Support for shareholder proposals in the current crisis – are there any foreseeable changes to voting policies implemented by institutional investors?
The importance of knowing who your investors are as share registers rapidly change because of market volatility