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Fund Solutions

Fund Solutions

Sodali & Co is a leading provider of governance, proxy advisory, and solicitation services for Registered Funds, including Mutual Funds, ETFs, and Closed-End Funds. We offer comprehensive market analysis, strategic advisory, governance guidance, and campaign execution, utilizing proprietary analytics to understand shareholder sentiment deeply.


With extensive experience and a rigorous approach, we specialize in navigating regulatory complexities and enhancing shareholder participation to achieve successful outcomes in shareholder meetings and proxy campaigns across mutual funds, ETFs, and closed-end funds.

Our capabilities

Proxy Solicitation & Fund Advisory Services

Sodali & Co offers expert Proxy Solicitation and Fund Advisory Services to ensure successful shareholder voting outcomes. Our team provides strategic guidance and effective communication plans to engage shareholders and secure necessary votes. We support funds through every step, from preparing proxy materials to final vote tabulation, ensuring compliance and transparency.

Fund Mergers, Acquisitions, & Reorganizations

Sodali & Co's comprehensive advisory services are your go-to solution for navigating the complexities of fund mergers, acquisitions, and reorganizations. Our experts offer strategic insights and operational support, ensuring smooth transitions and shareholder approval. We manage all aspects, from stakeholder communication to regulatory compliance, to achieve successful transaction outcomes.

Investor & ISS Engagement Advisory

We understand the importance of tailored advisory services in maximizing your engagement with investors and proxy advisory firms like ISS. We provide in-depth analysis of investor behavior and proxy advisor guidelines, helping you craft persuasive communication strategies. We aim to enhance your interaction with key stakeholders and influence positive voting outcomes.

Closed-End Fund Proxy Fights

Sodali & Co specializes in managing Closed-End Fund Proxy Fights, offering strategic advice and tactical execution to secure shareholder support. Our services include:

  • Developing compelling messaging.
  • Engaging with institutional and retail shareholders.
  • Leveraging our extensive network to influence voting.

We provide robust support to navigate the challenges of contested proxy battles and achieve favorable results.

Contact us


Get in touch with our Fund Solutions experts today and see how we can help you outperform, outpace and inspire!



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