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Board-Shareholder Engagement: the Role of the Lead Director

15 Oct 2020 Webinar

Please join Morrow Sodali's Director for Brazil, Agnes Blanco Querido, for a workshop with Better Governance on Board-Shareholder Engagement. Agnes will be facilitating one of the breakout room's discussion, following the main panel, on the role of the Lead Independent Director in the companies, the main challenges and barriers in the Brazilian market regarding board and shareholder engagement and how companies and their boards can benefit by engaging more with their shareholders.

Investors increasingly expect a direct dialogue with the board of listed companies to understand their views on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) factors and other strategic issues affecting long-term value creation. A new approach where boards have the opportunity to better understand long-term shareholders ESG expectations and investors, to have a better view on how the board works.

The workshop will explore:

- the visions and experiences of local and international directors and investors
- the new role of the Lead Independent Director (or Senior independent Director-SID- as called in some countries)

After the panel, workshop participants will be organised in breakout rooms to discuss the content presented, bringing their own experience and their understanding on this emerging practice.

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