ESG格付けを解像する: 新しい行動規範がESG評価機関にもたらす意味とは?/ ESG Ratings under the microscope : What does the new Code mean for the ESG raters?
Homepage arrow_right Resources arrow_right Insights arrow_right ESG格付けを解像する: 新しい行動規範がESG評価機関にもたらす意味とは?/ ESG Ratings under the microscope : What does the new Code mean for the ESG raters?

ESG格付けを解像する: 新しい行動規範がESG評価機関にもたらす意味とは?/ ESG Ratings under the microscope : What does the new Code mean for the ESG raters?

16 June 2023

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日本市場の多くの企業は、規範の導入によりESGデータと格付けが標準化され、複数の評価機関の様々な方法論や要件に対応する負担が軽減されることを期待していました。ESGデータや格付けが標準化されていないことは、国内発行体と投資家の双方にとって大きな懸念事項として捉えられてきたのです。しかし、金融庁はこの課題を追求するには至らず、「ESG 評価・提供サービスの多様性を踏まえて、評価結果が各社によって異なることそれ自体は必ずしも問題でない」としています。 





  • リスク評価:投資関連のESGリスクと機会の評価に際して、ESG格付けをリスク評価やデューデリジェンスのプロセスに組み込むことで、より多くの情報に基づいた投資判断を行う。 

  • 投資プロセスへの統合:従来の財務分析に加え、ESG格付けを時には独自のESGリサーチと組み合わせて利用し、企業の業績や将来性をより包括的に把握し、長期的なサステナビリティと価値創造の可能性を持つ企業を特定する。 

  • ポートフォリオ構築:ESG格付けは、インパクト投資など、特定のサステナビリティや責任投資の目的に沿ったポートフォリオ構築のためにも利用される。機関投資家は、ESG格付けに基づく基準を設定し、特定の企業やセクターをポートフォリオに組み入れたり、除外したりすることもある。ESG格付けに基づくサステナビリティ指数に組み入れられると、企業の投資家層の拡大に繋がり、また市場における評判を向上させる可能性もある。 

  • エンゲージメントと議決権行使: 投資家はESG格付けを利用して課題を特定し、企業経営陣と対話して、ESG面の改善を企業に促すこともある。またESG格付けは、株主総会での議決権行使に際してのESGパフォーマンス考慮に利用され、議決権行使の意思決定に影響する可能性もある。 

  • 報告と透明性:(アセットオーナーに対する)報告義務の履行に際して、投資家が自社の投資戦略を実証するための測定可能な方法を提供するために、ESG格付けが利用される。 

  • ベンチマーキングとパフォーマンス評価:ESG格付けは、投資家が企業のESGパフォーマンスを業種内や地域間で比較するためのベンチマークとして利用され得る。投資家は企業のESGパフォーマンスの有効性を、格付けデータによって同業他社と比較して評価し、投資判断に役立てることができる。 









ESG Ratings under the microscope 

As Japanese regulators take steps towards ensuring transparency and improvements in the function of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) ratings, the ‘comply or explain’ nature of the FSA’s approach leaves many questions unanswered.  

In December 2022, Japan became the first country to issue a Code of Conduct for ESG Evaluation and Data providers (the Code). Other jurisdictions are looking to follow suit in tightening standards in the ESG data and ratings sector – this includes Asia-Pacific neighbors, with both Singaporean and Indian regulators considering adoption of codes, as well as European peers with both the UK and EU exploring some of these options.   

Issued by the Japan Financial Services Agency (FSA), the Code is designed for voluntary adoption by the ESG rating agencies and data providers on a “comply or explain” basis. This leaves data and ratings firms with the option not to comply with the Code, however they must explain why. The Code is designed around the recommendations by the International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO), who have raised concerns that the absence of standards could result in risks including greenwashing and misallocation of assets.  

Many corporates within the Japanese market hoped that the adoption of a Code would lead to a standardization of ESG reporting, thus relieving the burden of trying to appease multiple rating providers and their differing methodologies and requirements. The lack of standardization amongst ESG data and ratings has been viewed within Japan as a significant concern for both domestic issuers and investors. However, the FSA stopped short of pursuing this agenda, highlighting that with “a wide variety of ESG evaluations and services provided, it is not necessarily a problem that evaluation results differ from provider to provider.”  

The Code will help Japanese companies to better understand how the ESG rating agencies approach their analysis (where they comply with the Code). But significant cultural barriers remain between the approach of global ESG service providers (primarily based in North America and Europe) and the market practice in non-English speaking markets, such as Japan.  

Given the FSA’s stance on standardization and the voluntary basis of the new Code, it is imperative that IR and ESG teams within Japanese listed companies equip themselves with the knowledge on how to best allocate their time and resources in addressing ESG data and ratings firms’ concerns and focus areas.  

Why are ESG ratings important to institutional investors?  

In recent years, ESG investing has gained significant traction amongst institutional investors globally, including Japanese investors. Institutional investors use ESG ratings as part of their investment analysis and decision-making processes in the following ways:   

  • Risk Assessments: To assess the ESG risks and opportunities associated with their investments, incorporating them into risk assessment and due diligence processes, allowing them to make more informed investment decisions.  

  • Integration into Investment Process: ESG ratings, sometimes combined with their own ESG research, can be used alongside traditional financial analysis to gain a more comprehensive view of a company’s performance and prospects, allowing investors to identify companies with long-term sustainability and value creation potential.  

  • Portfolio Construction: ESG ratings are used to construct portfolios that align with specific sustainability or responsible investment objectives, e.g. impact investing. Institutional investors may set criteria based on ESG ratings to include or exclude certain companies or sectors from their portfolios. Inclusion in a sustainability index based on ESG ratings may expand a company’s investor base and improve its reputation.  

  • Engagement and Proxy Voting: Investors may use ESG ratings to identify areas of concern and initiate dialogues with company management to advocate for improved ESG practices. ESG ratings can also influence proxy voting decisions, as investors may consider a company’s ESG performance when casting votes on shareholder resolutions.  

  • Reporting and Transparency: ESG ratings are used to meet reporting requirements and provide a measurable way for investors to demonstrate their investment strategies.  

  • Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation: ESG ratings are used as benchmarks for investors to compare companies’ ESG performance within sectors and across regions. The ratings data allows investors to evaluate the effectiveness of a company’s ESG performance relative to peers, which can inform their investment decisions.  

By leveraging ESG ratings, institutional investors aim to align their investment strategies with sustainable and responsible practices, seeking to protect their investment, and generate both financial returns and positive impacts.  

How Morrow Sodali assists listed companies?  

Morrow Sodali is a global consulting firm providing listed companies with strategic advice, comprehensive shareholder analytics, stakeholder research, investor engagement, ESG consulting, and activism advisory, along with proxy solicitation services. ​  

With decades of experience across shareholder intelligence/analytics and ESG advisory, Morrow Sodali’s multi-disciplinary team has assisted listed companies across the globe to engage with ESG ratings providers more effectively and to improve companies’ ESG policies, practices, and disclosures. With deep domestic and international expertise, Morrow Sodali can provide a bridge between our clients and ESG rating agencies to find a balance and better understanding of cultural customs and legal requirements that may hinder their ESG scores.  

Morrow Sodali helps companies understand the scope of ESG research reports available and the impact of ESG research reports on their current shareholder base. Our bespoke ESG Impact Analysis service gives companies the visibility they need to determine which of the many ESG rating agencies has the most significant influence over their shareholder registers. This informs the strategy toward the most effective path toward better access to capital and lower cost of capital. ​  

Through our ESG Rating Gap Analysis reports, Morrow Sodali reviews and analyzes the latest Sustainability Report and other associated sustainability disclosures against the most influential ESG rating agencies of a company’s share register. The report identifies areas of performance and disclosure which have a negative impact on their overall ESG rating, comparing the company’s practices against international and domestic peers and the rating methodology, and providing a pathway to improving ESG practices and policies. ​  

Addressing these areas may result in an improvement of the ESG ratings, and consequently, have a positive impact on the company’s access to capital, cost of capital and market reputation.​  



As Japan regulates ESG ratings for transparency and improvement, the comply or explain nature of the FSA's approach leaves many questions unanswered


Andrew Vasey

Andrew Vasey

Senior Director – Corporate Governance – APAC




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