Towards the Board 2.0
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Towards the Board 2.0

23 February 2023

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The pandemic and its economic turmoil has accelerated the transformation of corporate business models and changed organizational structures and decision-making processes. In this period of change, the role of the board is of primary importance to promptly respond to the challenges posed by the “new normal”. What are the new skills required, the entities to be involved, and the most effective processes to apply?

The Governance Working Group of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, chaired by Morrow Sodali's Managing Director Andrea Di Segni, has drafted a position paper that answers these questions and provides effective recommendations.

Andrea Di Segni moderated a panel of distinguished corporate governance experts at an event, held on 2 March 2022 in Milan, to discuss the valuable insights of the publication.

Download the position paper here.


Andrea Di Segni, Managing Director, contributed to the Amcham-Italy position paper which provides recommendations for improving board effectiveness.



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