Understanding Fidelity sustainability assessments for ASX companies
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Understanding Fidelity sustainability assessments for ASX companies

18 March 2023

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On March 15th, 2023, Morrow Sodali hosted a webinar in partnership with the Fidelity International. The 3rd ASX Directors webinar tilted understanding Fidelity sustainability assessments for ASX companies, explored how companies are assessed by asset managers like Fidelity from a sustainability perspective, with case studies on the impacts to investment and stewardship activities. 

The webinar also uncovered the key characteristics of Fidelity's Sustainability Ratings Framework - one of the inputs used by their portfolio managers and sustainable investment team for engagement and proxy voting decisions. 

Moreover, it shared Fidelity's sustainability expectations to encourage stronger alignment and better communication with ASX Companies on sustainability. 


• Paul Taylor Head of Investments, Australia and Portfolio Manager, Fidelity International
• Flora Wang Head of Stewardship, Asia and Portfolio Manager, Fidelity International
• Viral Patel Director of Research, Australia, Fidelity International
• Daniela Jaramillo Head of Sustainable Investing, Australia, Fidelity International
• Jana Javcakova Managing Director, Head of ESG International, Morrow Sodali

About Fidelity International

Established in 1969, Fidelity International offers world class investment solutions and retirement expertise. Their 400+ on- the-ground, global investment experts attend around 20,000 company meetings each year, with their analysts meeting with management, suppliers, customers, and competitors to get a 360 view of every company they invest in. Their clients are located across more than 25 countries, whom they invest on behalf of A$521.2 billion globally.

Watch the full webinar below. 


Fidelity International 3rd ASX Directors Webinar: Understanding Fidelity sustainability assessments for ASX companies 


Sodali & Co



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