Hearts & Minds: Band aid struggles to patch up old wounds
26 November 2024
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It’s a classic instance of damned if you do, damned if you don’t. The sort that presents itself in all manner of ways to CEOs and their comms teams.
The problem is Band Aid. Forty years ago, a group of pop stars were brought together by Bob Geldof to record a song for African famine relief. The event and release caused a sensation. All those famous, rich faces in one room, laying down a single track, to help the poor, was unprecedented. Yes, the words were cheesy and factually inaccurate, and much of the singing was off-key - but the recording was a huge hit and raised many millions.
Since then, it has been remixed and re-released every 10th anniversary. This year is no exception. But attitudes have changed. Today, Band Aid stands accused of possessing a “white saviour” complex, perpetuating racial stereotypes, of being patronising and causing more harm than good. Ed Sheeran, who lent his voice to the 2014 version says he was not asked to have his vocals used on the 2024 edition and if he had been he would have refused, as his “understanding of the narrative” has changed. Others have joined in. The Ghanaian-British musician Fuse ODG, says the campaign “[dehumanises] Africans and [destroys] our pride and identity in the name of ‘charity’”.
Against them are Geldof and some of those (many have died) who took part in the original who point to the fortune raised and the ongoing need. Said Geldof: “Why not keep doing that? Because of an abstract wealthy-world argument, regardless of its legitimacy? No abstract theory regardless of how sincerely held should impede or distract from that hideous, concrete real-world reality. There are 600 million hungry people in the world — 300 million are in Africa. We wish it were other but it is not. We can help some of them. That’s what we will continue to do.”
So, what would you do? There is no right or wrong. The best approach, for once, really is the PR fudge, the old two-hander. On the one hand, you were glad to participate and proud of how much was donated; on the other, you can see the faults. It would be churlish not to carry on, but you hope that some of the criticisms can be taken on board and you will endeavour to ensure that they are. Adopt the better idea test, as in, has anyone got a better idea? If the answer is none, there you are.
Chris Blackhurst is one of the UK’s foremost business journalists. He was previously Editor of The Independent and City Editor of the Evening Standard.
Band Aid struggles to patch up old wounds

Chris Blackhurst
Former Editor and Strategic Communications Adviser