Lighthouse North America, September 2023

Lighthouse North America, September 2023

14 September 2023

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  1. Shareholder Proposal Summary 
    We discuss the breakdown of notable shareholder proposals so far this year,
    including how proponents and shareholders have altered their approach
    towards these specific proposals. 
  2. What are Zero-day options?
    While zero-day options can offer high rewards in a brief time span, they come
    with significant risks and challenges that traders need to be aware of.
  3. ESG Shareholder Proposals: The Current Canadian Landscape
    A growing number of investors are beginning to use shareholder proposals as
    a tool to voice their opposition to management on wide ranging ESG topics at
    Canadian public companies.
  4. 2023 Proxy Season: Return to Normalcy
    From polarization of ESG to gender diversity of the board, there were several notable topics of focus this proxy season. Learn more about key takeaways and what this means for the 2024 season.
  5. The Evolution of ESG Disclosure Standards: Norming? In 1993, an estimated 12% of the world’s companies engaged in some form of ESG reporting. Today, 95% of the world's largest 250 companies engage in sustainability reporting. What drove this change and how have the practices of ESG disclosures evolved?
  6. Activist Report Q2 2023
    This excerpt of Morrow Sodali’s Activist Report analysis outlines the major 
    trends identified globally among activist investors’ portfolios.
  7. Welcoming HXE Partners, a Morrow Sodali Company
    Read about Morrow Sodali’s most recent acquisition: HXE Partners, an ESG strategy and implementation advisory firm.
  8. CBCA Changes “Withhold Voting” to “Voting Against” Directors - its impact on Canada’s 2023 Proxy Season
    We discuss recent changes to the Canada Business Corporations Act concerning director voting including evolving voting practices to allow a shareholder to vote against directors. Learn more about what this means for Canada’s Proxy Season.
  9. Empowering Liability Management Transactions with Real-Time Reporting
    Time is of the essence within debt transactions, though access to real-time information is rare. Learn what Morrow Sodali is doing to advance the provision of transaction information.
  10. Get to Know Morrow Sodali
    Q+A with Víctor Meléndez, Managing Director, FrameworkESG.

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